20 May 2019

Hiatus Me

bismillah. Allahumma solli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad wa 'alaa aalihi wa sohbihi ajma'in.

hi, silent readers. i hope the weekend went well? it's almost half of the ramadhan now. i don't know either i can achieve all my goals, but i 'm just, you know, do the best. this ramadhan challenge for me, not gonna lie i'm easily feel so exhausted, mentally and physically. i hope i could keep hustling till the end.

i've been distanced away myself from social media. especially instagram. i still remember how i was so addicted to instagram, like i don't mind the other socmeds, as long as i can post into my ig, that was fine to me. but now.. i rarely open my ig anymore. i will login to my ig if i feel like to. i even don't know what to post anymore even i have a lottttt of photos. i've stopped my one-go poem since i don't remember... i just, stop. while the other days, i was thinking that i cannot give up upon my ig, yet. i need it to promot stuffs. apparently, i've stopped it too. haha. pingping would be always pingping, right? no matter how hard she tried, but when she don't feels to like it, she will not going on. but i still have my all social medias. maybe i will be just wait for the perfect time.

so guess what, here i am again!! haha. pusing la mana pun, blog juga akhirnya dia kembali. haha.
i am not sure if there is still people reading blog but i dont mind... i just wanted to share my thoughts here, for my reading in future. lol


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4 May 2019

I miss you 3000.

I found people keep saying this, i love you 3000, that quote was taken from the End Game movie, haha.

so every year, every ramadhan, every 'eid or every ocassion is not longer that very special anymore. i miss her, i miss him, like damn much.

i always questioning about why they leave me because sometimes, i am not that strong. it's very hard for me to keep, constantly strong. i know it is not healthy if i keep asking the same question. but it just... ya Rabb, i am so weak.

the little memory, really hits me hard. I still remember when my mama woke me up during sahoor, she asked me to eat sahoor but i refused to get up. she insisted me to, so she fed me with milks while my eyes were close, haha what a sleepyhead! and that time, i was not even 6years old.

after i grew up and learn about my religion. kids should be started their solah/prayers by 7years old, and the other obligations may follow. but when i recall back my little memory, now i understand why my mama did that.

and i am glad, ma. i am sorry i was stubborn to get up.

if i just have a little bit of time to return back, i would get up, even not to eat, but just to enjoy watching you.

honestly, that is the things we always wanted to say or do, only after we lost them.

appreciate them, if you still have them, or anyone,

they, us, i will return back to our Creator.

be good to each other.

talking about ramadhan, it is one day to go, in syaaAllah, may Allah get us into ramadhan, and bless us with the good deeds that He please. and please ya Rabb, help me, ease me, in everything to get closer to You.

sorry sis emotional malam ni haha

p/s: yes, i still miss you for the million times.

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8 Apr 2019

Bebelan Cuti Sem 5

hai pembaca sendu di blog yang sendu. maybe blog ni aku akan update satu post per semester kot. hahaha. ok sekarang ni aku dalam semester 5 in diploma. dah seminggu lebih cuti sem. sekarang ni baki beberapa hari saja lagi. hmm...tengah fikir dalam beberapa hari ni macam-macam benda aku boleh buat tapi end up hari ni aku tak buat apa apa selain makan, mandi, layan socmed dgn begitu lama.

sepatutnya hari ni aku masuk kerja part time.. tapi aku tertinggal bas.. so... dengan itu aku telah mencutikan diri sendiri. haha.

ada baki 2 sem sahaja lagi sebelum aku tamatkan pengajian diploma dan sebelum tamat tu macam macam aku kena buat. entah la boleh atau tidak. berjaya atau tidak. life is so mysterious.

ohh...minggu lalu aku bawa Zara tinggal di hostel, seminggu jugak la. dalam seminggu tu kami cari kerja, pergi kerja, berhenti kerja. hahaha. end up dua dua duduk rumah main masak masak dan bercerita tentang masa lalu.. masa ni aku dapat simpulkan... mengakulah kita dah berkawan dengan dia selama soploh doploh tahun sekalipun tapi kalau tak pernah duk sebumbung... kita takkan kenal dia itu siapa.

macam hari tu entah macam mana kami tengah berbual tentang adik beradik edition... Zara baru tahu yang aku ada empat abang... dia ingat ada sorang jek. haha. aku baru perasan yang aku ni secretive tahap melampau. dan sebab itu juga lah aku terasa sangat susah nak ubah perangai tu sekarang...sebab lambat laun...aku tak boleh hidup terlalu misteri sangat. dah tiba masanya aku open myself sikit, tak janji aaa. aku try. hehehe.

Bersyukur Zara datang teman aku sini.. atleast dapatlah belajar masak mee basah dengan dia. aku ni hantu mee basah. sedapp ya ampunnn. lepas tu kami banyak spent time dengan small and silly talks. kadang deep talks. haha aku nak quote katakata dia tak mampu dah sebab tak ingat. aku nak catat tapi kang dia pelik...

Zara ni suka gurau kasar dengan aku dulu. paling kasar pernah aku dapat, dia tinggalkan aku kat tepi jalan... huhu. tapi sekarang dia pula yang banyak bersabar dengan perangai aku yang blurred. ulang suara kena dua tiga kali baru aku faham. aduh i'm sorry zara. hahaha

ok so... esok aku kerja part time lagi. huhu. ya Allah kena semangat nih. aku sebenarnya nak sangat kerja part time sejak sem pertama dulu tapi tak dapat dapat... sekarang ni bila dah merasa kerja, fuhhh kena banyak sabar. haha.

semoga Allah berkati.

k bye.

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